SSP Record Sheet

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SSP Record Sheet

You record/view the current absences here.

The display shows what dates the employee was absent & if paid for S.S.P.

The light blue section is where there has been a previous entry that has been updated.
The yellow section is a non Qualifying day.
The green section is a Qualifying day.

Enter 's ' for all days that he employee is sick. The system will calculate (when Calc is clicked) which days are to be 'p' paid, 'n' not paid ie non qualifying day , 'w' waiting days. If you enter a 'x' this will be recorded as an absence which is not to be paid. 'x's are not included in a PIW qualification, ie if a x is entered in the middle of a 7 days off period it will not be accepted as a PIW.

Left-Click & drag to get a block of entries marked (dark Blue) which can then be assigned by clicking on 's','x' or 'c' (to clear).
Right-Click on a lower case letter to enable you to enter a reason for the entry.

Use the Up / Down arrows to move back/forward in time.

Previous Sick Weeks.
This displays the number of weeks already paid. (as per Employee\details\ssp  )

Displays the no of sick weeks to be paid in this period.

Calculates the dispay of dates & no of weeks to be paid. It will also notify you of any reason for non payment of SSP .

s  x  c
s- sick day, x- sick day indispute, c-clear the entry.
If you have painted any of the green/yellow squares to blue click the appripriate button

Legal Custody Date entered / released
If the employee has been kept in Legal Custody enter the dates here.

This commits the entries & returns you to the main wage calculation screen bring over the no of sick weeks.

This removes all the entries you have made back to the way they were.

When the pay period is updated the lower case's are converted to UPPER case. These are not changeable.

Date of PIW.
This brings up the date of the first Linking PIW. It also brings up the Average 8 weeks form.

See also S.S.P. , S.S.P. Parameters , Employee S.S.P


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