Government SSP SMP SLD

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Government SSP, Parenting, SLD

There are 3 pages for S.Sick Pay, S.Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Pay, & Student Loan Deductions.

Satutory Sick Pay

PIW Period of Incapacity for Work
QD Qualifying Days.
WD Waiting Days
SC2 Self-certification form
SSP1 Employer is not paying SSP
SSP1(L) Leaver's statement
SSP2 record sheet

No of waiting days
SSP is not payable for the first three QDs in a PIW These are known as waiting days (WD).

Linked weeks
Where a PIW is separated from a previous PIW by 8 weeks or less the two absences link and are treated as one PIW.

Maximum weeks payable
This is the total weeks that the employer is accountable for. If the employee comes back to work and then goes off sick again a new 28 week period starts.

Issue transfer form weeks
When the employee has been sick for this length of time, a SSP1 should be issued.

Min Earns
What the employee's minimum average weeks pay must exceed.

Weekly rate of S.S. Pay...Last Year
Rate of Sick Pay,  weekly (last years is recorded incase a sick period crosses over from last year)

Previous years min earns

Parenting    Statutory-:  Maternity  Paternity  Adoption

Continuous Weeks Employed.
Number of weeks that the employee has to have worked for.

Pay Period.
No of weeks to be paid.

Weeks @ Earning %
No of weeks to be paid at  % of salary.

Weeks @ Standard Amount
Weeks to be paid at fixed rate.

Earning %.
% of salary to be paid.

Standard Amount of Pay.
Amount of payment.

SMP, SPP, SAP & ShPP  will get paid at the LOWER of Earning % or Standard Amount

Standard Recovery %
Normal amount that is reclaimable of the Statutory payments.

Small Employers Recovery %
If you qualify as Small Employer (payments of NIC less than 45,000) then use this rate.
Employer : Employer Details to get option.

Small Employer Compensation % Rebate
If you qualify for Small Employers then this is also paid as a rebate.

Previous year amount.
Used up to the Sunday prior to the start of current tax year.

Student Loan Deductions

There are two schemes, the older Plan1 and newer Plan2

You will have a Plan 1 Student loan if:

* You lived in Scotland or Northern Ireland when you started your course, or

* You lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012

Annual Threshold
Amount the annual salary must exceed before SLD is applied.

Monthly / Weekly
Calculated from above.

Rate of student loan recovery
% that is deducted for SLD when Salary (NIC Earnings) is in excess of above amounts.

Expect the Plan1 Annual Threshold to catch up with the Plan2 threshold over the coming years.

governmentotherparaters 16/12/16

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