Employee Details SSP SL

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Employee Details SSP SLD


Statutory Sick Pay

This is available to any employee with income over the Lower Earning Threshold.

S. day pattern
This takes you to a separate form (SSP Work Days ) to enter the work day pattern.

This takes you to a separate form where you can view or enter employees previous absences. To enter new absences use CalcPay Sickdays on the payment form.

Last date paid.
This is entered from the payroll program or manually from the 'Absence' button above.

Sick Weeks Taken
This is calculated by the program. You can enter a starting figure here.

Adj Date/Pay
This takes you to a separate form to enter the date that the PIM started.

Start date of PIW
This is taken from the above.

Avg 8 weeks pay
This will be entered from. In order to pay SSP it must be up to L.E.L.

Running totals of Stat Sick Pay is kept on the P11, the amount you can recover (if any) is displayed on the P32 form.

Student Loan Deductions

This is where your employee must repay his education loans from his income. The employer passes the amount deducted to the HMRC in their P32 payments.

CalcPay will do all the calculations of the S.L.D. for you. You must however inform it as to when to start & when to finish.

Apply Student Loan Deduction
You must start  S.L.D., when you receive either
a P45 from a new employee which has the 'Continue Student Loan Deductions'  marked with a 'Y',
A P46 indicates a Student Loan Deduction,
You receive a SL1 form.

Date From
This must have an entry.
Enter the start date of employment  if employee gives you a P45 with the box ticked.
The start date from the SL1 form

Date To
The HMRC will advise you when to stop paying on a SL2 form, enter the date from the SL2 here and the SLD will stop from that date.

Holiday Pay: CalcPay will calculate the SLD amounts due if there is a Holiday advance.

Court Orders: S.L.D. will not be taken off if the following orders are applied, CCAEO,CTAEO or EA.
SLD will be deducted for a AEO3 order. A priority DEO or AEO with protected earnings will ensure that the SLD does not breach the protect earnings.

Leaver: If an employee leaves you should ensure a 'Y' is entered in the 'Continue Student Loan Deductions' on the P45

Records: The amounts deducted for Student Loan Deduction are kept on the P11.

More information regarding S.L.D.  can be obtained from  the 'E17' help book.

employeedetailssspsld 12/09/12

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