Additional S.M.P.

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Additional S.M.P.

This is a calculator to find the revised SMP payable.

If there has been a wage rise then the employee who is, or has been on SMP is entitled to get her Average 8 weeks earnings backdated.
You can use this calculator to do that.

This will normally be the difference between A & C or if there already has been an adjustment between B & C.
This amount is the figure that will be transfered back to the pay calculations.

Actual Payments Made
This section reflects what has been already paid.

Weeks @ Last Year S.R.
If some of the weeks (at the standard rate) were paid in last year then enter that number here.
This will upgrade the 'Enter Revised Information' weeks.

SMP Paid Last Year.
Enter last years total paid here.


Enter Revised Information
Enter the  new average weekly pay

If it is an ongoing SMP then the week numbers will have already been entered. If not the enter as appropriate.


nb You can use this as a SMP calculator by entering the average weekly pay & entering 6 & 33 in the weeks



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