Reconcile HMRC payments

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Reconcile HMRC payments

This shows how to get the information that HMRC has regarding the RTIs sent in.

In 'Reports/P32/P32HMRC' the amounts due to HMRC, according to CalcPay, are displayed on a monthly basis.
This same report can be obtained from the HMRC a/c using HMRC figures.  
These two reports should be the same.
If not then you will need to determine why they have variances.

To get to the HMRC sites information:
Sign in with User ID & Password
       You can get the User ID & Password from CalcPays 'Gateway/History', in the Left hand yellow edit box go down a further 3 lines , where it says <SenderID>, and a further 4lines down to <Value>

After you have logged-in

at 'Your business taxes'

under 'PAYE for employers'
click on 'see Breakdown'

'View account' -> 'Current position'
This will give you:
'Date', 'Amount paid in period', 'Amount due in period'
Click on the relevant period:
       This will display the periods raw figures. This can then be compared to 'Reports/P32/HMRC P32' in CalcPay.
Note any variances
You can review another months figures @ 'Tax month' & then press 'Go'

click on 'Back'
then click on 'View payments'
This should give you a list of dates and what you actually paid. As opposed to how HMRC have allocated the amounts themselves.

There is also an option to  'Appeal a penalty'.

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