Payslip Note

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Payslip Note

This allows you to type a note on the payslip. 
If you have entered this from the Pay Criteria then the note will be for all the payslips.
If you entered from the Process Pay then the note will only go to the employee's payslip.
CalcPay prints the note when it has the same date as the Pay Date.

Note Box
Type the message in the 'Note Box', then click 'Save'. The message will then go into the grid.

If you wish to change a message then Right Click on the current Date of the grid. This will bring the message back to the 'Note Box' for you to adjust. Click 'Save' again to save the amendment.

If you wish to remove the message you have saved then Blank the 'Note Box' and 'Save'.

If you wish to base the new message on a previous message then Right Click on the Date for that row. Correct or amend the message in the 'Note Box' and click 'Save'.

You need to use the following Payslips to get the message printed.
Payslip/Plain : 'A4 Fancy  Addr note 1/p'
Payslip/Detailed: 'A4 Payslip detailed Fancy Add'


payslipnote 27/09/07

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