Getting Started Mid Year Start
Seriously consider if you can run CalcPay from the beginning of the year. Most of the effort is in putting in the employees details.
The object is to put the TOTALS from the Manual System across to the CalcPay.
Please do these totals at a monthend on the P11 to enable CalcPay to calculate the correct future SSP & SMP.
You are now ready to start entering the P11 information.
For each pay frequency.
****2 enter in order of lower Week no. Ie Left, Weekly, Monthly.
Do P45's for those who have left.
CalcPay information should now agree with your manual records, check this by previewing / printing the P11s under Reports.
Please note that calcpay will NOT be able to calculate SSP SMP SPM SAP refunds correctly, in the P32, for the pre-entered period. Adjust for this in the P32 & P35 computations.
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