Employer Details

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Employer Details

This is the details of the employer.

This is printed on most reports.

Address 1 – 4
This information is printed on some reports. The first line is recommended.
The Email is used if you send reports/payslips via email.

Bus. Date Start
This is for your own reference.

SelfAssessment Unique Tax Ref / Company Tax Ref
Enter one or the other if known.
It is the 10 numeric number so :
12345 67890 = 1234567890
999/1234567890A00317B = 1234567890

Backup Name.
This is used to automatically bring up a default name, which then has the week number appended, when the files are backed up.
It is also used in the 'Works number'

Allowed Small Employers Relief.
If you are a small employer, (defined as total NIC's paid in previous year is less than £45,000, as at 06/04/13, tick this box.
If you pay Statutory Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Pay you can recover all of it back together with an amount for compensation.

Employment Allowance.
If this is ticked then you are currently claiming E.A., the date will show when you started the claim.
In order to start claiming E.A. you need to tell HMRC. Do this via 'RTI/EmploymentAllowance'.
If you have taken over a payroll which has previously claimed the E.A then you can manually tell CalcPay here, ie without resending another 'RTI/EmploymentAllowance'.
Employment Allowance claim

employerdetails 03/02/17

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