Employee Late P45

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Employee Late P45

This allows you to send a Full Payment Submission with the details of an employee who has left.

You do this if the leaving details were not entered in the employees last payrun and thus HMRC does not know they have left.

Get Employee
You can choose the relevant employee.
The relevant information will be displayed.
You should check this information against the 'EmployeeDetails/P11'.
You can also use this to send a P45 to HMRC for a departed employee who has not been paid in the current year.
There was an error in the Late P45s prior to 1/11/14 for an employee who was on a week1/month1 basis, the Statutory payments and NIC information was not included, the late P45 should be resent.
You can now 'Prepare XML' and the 'Send to HMRC'.


employeelatep45 30/10/14

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