Claim Employment Allowance

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Claim Employment Allowance

HMRC allows you to recover the first £3000.00 (15_16 2000.00) of Employers NIC payments

To check for eligibility please read this info

To claim you need to:
Tick  'Tick if eligible for the allowance'
'Prepare XML'
This will then show the amounts of NIC that can be recovered in the 'Reports/P32' forms.

Once you have claimed you do not need to reclaim each year, it will continue from year to year.

UNTICK 'Tick if eligible for the allowance',
'Prepare XML'
The 'Reports/P32' will no longer show the E.A. amounts.

The 'Employer/EmployerDetails/Employment Allowance' will reflect the current position.
If you have taken over an enterprise which has previously sent in a E.A. claim you can manually adjust this here.

rtiemploymentallowance  12/04/16

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