Process Payroll

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Process Payroll

This is where all the sums are done.

The top displays the Process Date, Month No, Week No & prev Mn/Wkno. 
The bottom displays Name, Tax Code, NIC Letter, Pay Frequency


Displays the current employee.

The available payments/deductions are displayed.
Ensure a deduction is a minus figure.
Payment type.
Each time it is changed the program recalculates all the totals.
Each time it is changed the program recalculates all the totals.
This may be read only. Go to Utilities/Security/Security Settings to change this.
Totals / Total T.D.
Read only figures.

Adds a pay heading.
This takes you to a form which will allow you to add a Pay Heading for this employee.
You can also create a Pay Heading here.

Sick Pay
Click SICK to be taken to the SSP Record Sheet.
The shown figure is sick period in weeks. The financial amount is calculated automatically.

Advance Holiday Period
When an employee is being paid & is also going on paid absence you will wish to advance the tax tables to ensure the correct amount of deductions are recorded.
Enter the number of periods that you wish to advance.
Thus to pay for 1 week's pay + 2 weeks Holiday pay enter 2.
You will also have to increase the Amount in the payment grid
All calculations will then be based on 3 weeks ie SMP.SPP,SAP,TC,SLR,Pen,Attacments,Tax,Nic.
Please note that it is PERIOD advance, thus if you are paying on a 2weekly cycle thenan entry for 1 is a 2 week advance..

Holidays Outstanding
Enter the number of holiday days still left. Leave blank if you do not wish this to be shown on the payslip.

Individual Payslip Note
You can enter a note which will be printed on the payslip for this employee.
Currently only a few payslips support this, see Payslip Note

This takes you to a S.M.P. calculator where you can enter a new additional amount to pay. This is re 'Alabaster' judgment.

Simple calculator, enter the NET pay required & it will calculate the gross pay.

The program will display the various totals.
Use the Next '>' button to advance etc.

If the TAX amount is negative you will have the option of  to 'Disallow Rebate' the refund. The refund will be carried forward to the next payment calculation.


Stat. Maternity Pay (Weeks)
This shows the no of weeks paid, both Lower & Higher, in this period & their value.

Stat. Paternity Pay (Weeks)
This shows the no of weeks paid in this period & their value.

Stat. Adoption Pay (Weeks)
This shows the no of weeks paid in this period & their value.

If you wish to disallow a week, for any of the above, mark the number of weeks in the 'Miss Wk.'


This shows how some of the amounts on the previous page were arrived at.

Pension details
This shows details of the pension deductions.

Tax Credit
Details of how the total is arrived at.

Limited space to keep simple notes. These will be printed on the P11's & displayed on the Employee card.


You can see LAST period & THIS periods P11 calculations for Nic, Tax & Other.
THIS period is the lower set of figures.


Information regarding ASPP Birth/Adoption is displayed here.


You can change a number of details for this employee.

See Also CalcPay\Menu

payprocesspayroll taxniccalc 27/09/07

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Create iPhone web-based documentation